
In the spring of 2017 we, Merete Flensted Laustsen and Martine Noring, went to the woods of Sweden to begin our journey creating the story of Greenwood. It is inspired by stories of nature and its mythology filled with magical beings like falfs, birds, dragons, griffons, trolls, goblins, Scandinavian “nisser” and many more characters in the land of Greenwood.


Pursuit of Magic is a Danish design company that works with incorporating the magic of fairytales into everyday life through product design and books.

We are also inspired by the tradition of the Scandinavian storytellers such as H.C. Andersen, Astrid Lindgren, Tove Jansson and Karen Blixen. With Pursuit of Magic we aim to bring some of the fantastic wonders and Nordic magic back into modern life.

The two founders Merete Flensted Laustsen og Martine Noring create the stories, the visual universes and designs of Pursuit of Magic.

Pursuit of Magic is founded in august 2017 and the first design will be launched in November 2017 to be followed up by the first pieces of new tableware at the Danish design fair Formland spring 2018.

Our Designs

We believe in sustainability so we aim to produce our designs with respect for the environment and thus also locally. It is important to us that the products of Pursuit of Magic have the lowest possible negative impact on nature.

Our first  collection, Greenwood, is of products within gifts items and interior design. The first part of the story of the life in Greenwood will be published in 2018.

We hope that the fantastic world of our universe will bring magic, inspiration and joy in to your everyday life.

Coming up


Collection of products within gifts items and interior design.

The first part of the story of life in Greenwood will be published in 2018.

Where to find us:


  • Formland, Herning. Fall 2018
  • Christiania Christmas Market

Who is behind



Martine Noring, Product designer from The Danish Design School, 2006.
Since 2011 Martine has worked with illustration, concept development and decoration of porcelain e.g. for Royal Copenhagen.
Martine is an experienced project manager and entrepreneur.



Merete Flensted Laustsen
MEd in Children’s Literature, 2008 and coauthor to a textbook on children and Young adult’s literature, 2014.
Merete is the co-founder of the company litfo.dk, 2009, and founder of the children’s book review site bogbotten.dk, 2012.
Merete is an experienced entrepreneur and project owner.


Contact us

Holmbladsgade 95,4 - 2300 København S

CVR: 38890409 /SE: 38890409

Merete Flensted Laustsen
Head of sales and concept development : +45 25348833

Martine Noring
Head of design and production: +45 24478537